Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do you have a coach?

The relationship between a coach and an athlete is very special. The coach serves as a third party and gives advice based on what he or she sees. A good coach has the ability to communicate an appropriate message at the correct time. Success comes when the coach can communicate an effective message and the athlete takes the time to listen and implements the strategy.

This is a two way relationship. The coach has to care about the success of the athlete and the athlete has to have confidence in what the coach is saying. These types of relationships are important in every area of your life. You need to be surrounded with people that can coach you in business, spiritually, mentally and in your fitness and nutrition. When you take your emotions out of the equation and ask for advice from someone you respect, it is much easier to make decisions. This will help you get to your results faster!!!

Do you have a coach that you trust?

Today’s WOD:

30 Squat Clean (155/125) / 400 M Run / 500 M Row / 60 Pull Ups

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Monday, January 17, 2011

Learn from adversity…

I have been dealing with a lingering shoulder injury. This is something I have been struggling with for the last 9+ months. It is a very frustrating experience. I experience pain in the most common movements. I flinch when I put on my seat belt and cringe when I reach for something on the second shelf. This injury is a result of combined overuse and neglect.

As I go through this experience I think of the story of the silversmith. A silversmith has to put raw silver in the hottest part of the fire in order to draw out its impurities. Adversity allows you evaluate what is happening . The good news is, during times of trial you are able to experience times of triumph. This applies to all areas of our lives. As we pursue our goals of achieving elite levels of fitness, there will be adversity. There will be injury. There will distractions. There will be set backs. Whatever trials you experience make sure you learn.

What fires do you need to learn from?

Today’s WOD:

Max rep strict pull ups x 3


15 Squat Cleans (135/105) / 50 Double Unders /20 Burpee Vertical Jumps - 3 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is the one of the best way to test an individuals fitness level. The overhead squat will challenge your flexibility, strength, balance, coordination,strength and athletic power. This movement engages your entire body at once and develops massive core and shoulder stability. The overhead squat is also a great way to warm up and develop other lifts. This movement takes time to develop so practice makes perfect. Start with a PVC pipe to mimic the movement before you attempt using weight.

Here are a couple helpful hints to help you develop your overhead squat:

Keep your grip as wide as needed to maintain the bar directly overhead
Keep your head up and focus your eyes on one spot in front of you
Take a deep breathe and hold it throughout the entire lift
Start by shooting your hips back and sitting into the bottom of the squat
Push your knees out and apart as you descend
Drive your hips up and forward once you have broken parallel
How often do you practice the overhead squat?

Today’s WOD:


Overhead Squat / Ring Push Ups

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Monday, January 10, 2011

Develop coordination

Coordination is skill that is required in competitive sports and every day life. Coordination is something that is only developed through time and effort. CrossFit defines coordination as a persons ability to combine several distinct movement patterns together into a singular distinct movement. The clean is a combination of a deadlift, jump, shrug, catch, and front squat.

All movements are dictated by the nervous system. The nervous system must be efficiently trained to ensure movements are properly developed. This will allow for maximum strength gains with minimal risk of injury.

Take your time to develop new movements. Focus on the basics. Success is in the details. Study and ask questions. Read articles, watch videos, record yourself and observe others in class. You can learn from everyone.

What is the best way you like to learn a new movement?

Today’s WOD:

3 Deadlifts (225/180)/ 5 Pull Ups / 7 Wall Ball - 20 Minute AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes


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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do the common uncommonly well…

In the August 2005, Greg Glassman sent an open letter to CrossFit Trainers about fundamentals, virtuosity and mastery. Virtuosity is defined in gymnastics as “performing the common uncommonly well.”
This seems like a simple concept. The challenge is, there are so many complex movements in the CrossFit program. The double under, snatch or muscle up are defining movements that separate the beginner from the advanced. It is very tempting to jump ahead and focus on developing these advanced skills while neglecting the details of a perfect air squat. The CrossFit environment is competitive. The desire to compete with your peers creates intensity. Intensity drives results. However, the lack of attention to details and mechanics creates stumbling blocks in the long run. Take the time to practice the basics. Perfect the. Understand the details. Ask questions and apply new information. Did you know there are 23 points that make up a perfect air squat?
Today’s WOD:
OHS 5 x 5
9 Squats / 6 Kettlebell Snatch (50/35) – 9 Minutes AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Our community is awesome!

The most amazing part of the CrossFit I-5 program is it’s community. The relationships being built inside and outside of the gym are priceless. Over the past few weeks we have been gotten together to support one another at several different events. CrossFit I-5 is a really fun group. Over the past few weeks we have been to fitness expo’s, CrossFit competitions, 5 & 10K runs, competed in internal challenges, participated in seminars and today we conquered the bowling alley! I am looking forward to what the new year will bring!

CrossFit I-5 at Saddleback Lanes

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Break out of your routine…

It takes courage to face new challenges. It much easier to stay in the routine you follow each day. Routines rob you of your opportunity to grow, overcome fear and gain new life experiences.

This is relevant in every area of life, business, relationships and even your exercise program. Breaking out of your routine builds awareness of the areas that need improvement. It also gives you opportunity to discover how good you really are. There is great satisfaction in knowing you took down a new challenge. Get out there. Go for it.

What is one thing you would like to try in the next 30 days?

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 will be bowling. Join us for the fun.

Saddleback Lanes
25402 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92692

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes