Sunday, August 29, 2010

Post workout nutrition..

There many theories around post workout nutrition. The bottom line is, consuming both carbohydrates and proteins after your workout has many benefits regardless of your goals. How you approach your post-workout nutrition is going to depend on your resources and time constraints. Many athletes have found that drinking quality protein shakes immediately after a workout helps improve recovery time. Drinking a shake and eating a hand full of almonds is a convenient way to address your post workout nutrition needs.

Progenexmakes a great tasting, high quality and very effective recovery shake. We will be carrying the Progenex product line in our academy starting this week. If you are in the local area, we will have product available at our facility so you can save on shipping.

Today’s WOD:

Diane – 21/15/9 - Deadlift (225/175#) & Hand Stand Push Ups


Max Single Unders in 2 Minutes & 400 M Run for time

See our latest videos on CFI-5 YouTube Channel
CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

CrossFit I-5 @ Lululemon Athletica in Irvine

For those of you interested in trying a CrossFit class, CrossFit I-5 will be teaching free classes atLulelemon Athletica at the Irvine Spectrum. Classes will be every Sunday in the month of September at 9:00 am. We have several fun workouts planned. If you have any questions please contact us.

Lululemon Athletica / 83 Fortune Drive, Suite 239 / Irvine, CA 92618

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day (Take your family to beach, go for a run, try a new sport…. Have Fun!)

Follow CrossFit I-5 on Facebook
CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness, Mission Viejo, Ca.

When was your last meal?

The average person will eat 3 meals a day. A typical meal is often made up of processed foods that are quick and easy to eat. When following this nutrition model it is very difficult to function at peak performance. As you exercise and increase your daily activity, the demand for a good nutrition plan should become a larger priority.

Research has shown that eating meals every 2-3 hours is important for several reasons. Consistent food intake will increase your metabolism, change your body composition, increase your performance and maintain your blood sugar at a balanced level.

Here are a few tips to help establish your nutrition plan:

  1. Eat balance meals and snacks every 2-3 hours
  2. Eat a palm size portion of lean protein with every meal
  3. Fill your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables before you add any type of starch to your meal
  4. Plan your meals and snacks a few days in advance
  5. Eat even when you are not hungry

Today’s WOD:

Watch some instructional videos of a skill you want to master


CFI-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca

Friday, August 27, 2010

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a Strength & Conditioning program that combines, gymnastics, olympic & power lifting and cardio respiratory endurance. CrossFit is a workout that are constantly varied, functional movements, performed at high levels of intensity.

Beat the heat..

It has been extremely hot these past few days. With everything going on this time of year the heat can make it a bit challenging to get things done. This is the time of the year where, the kids are heading back to school, sports are back in season and families are trying to get together to close out the summer. There are so many things to do but the heat will try to slow you down.

Here are 3 helpful tips to beating this summer heat:

  1. Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water before, during and after being under the hot sun.
  2. Wear light breathable clothing- Be wise in choosing the colors you wear, darker colors attract the suns rays.
  3. Choose your battles- If you are exercising, use this time to work on technique and form. If you insist on maintaining high levels of intensity then work out early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s a bit cooler.

Today’s WOD:

Max Weighted Pull Ups x 3


10 Hang Power Clean* / 800 M Run / 15 Hang Power Clean /400 M Run / 20 Hang Power Clean / 200 M Run (*Use 95/75 for HPC)

Go to CFI-5 YouTube Channel for Instructional Video

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gotta be the shoes…

We can talk all day how mental focus, work ethic and determination can make improvements towards your performance. But how about the shoes you wear? Can your shoes improve your results?

Yes, shoes can have a positive impact on your long and short term performance. Shoes that are closer to ground are beneficial when it comes to explosive movements like weight lifting or jumping as well as long distance running. They also give you more control and allow you to be more effective in maintaining your balance and changing direction. Shoes with excessive rubber soles can have a negative impact on running technique which could eventually lead to injury.

Inov8 makes a very durable shoe that is close to the ground and they look pretty cool too. Is it time for you to make an investment in some new shoes?

Today’s WOD:

Back Squat – 5,3,1


30 Wall Ball / 500 M Row / 30 Wall Ball / 250 M Row / 30 Wall Ball / 500 M Row

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Will the specialist be defeated??

A specialist is someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research. This approach is important when it comes a specific career, such as a brain surgeon or a tax attorney. This approach is not so beneficial when it comes to fitness and athletics. A one dimensional basketball player may excel in high school. A one dimensional basketball player will be tested in College or the NBA when he is surrounded by more well rounded players. To reach an elite level of athletisism and fitness you need to be complete and be committed to continually growing in all areas. Continue to develop new skills, if you enjoy running practice Olympic weight lifting, if you enjoy power lifting practice your gymnastics. You will find that one skill improves the other.

This weekend the theory of a specialist vs. a well rounded generalist will be tested.

What is a new skill that you would like to start working on today?

Today’s WOD:

18 Dumbbell Cleans (50/35) / 400 M Run / 45 Lateral Hurdle Jumps – 3 Rounds for time

Follow us on FaceBook
CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.


CrossFit can be very challenging. It can even sometimes be frustrating when it comes to learning all of these new movements. Just when it seem that you have everything under control a new challenge comes your way. This feeling of discomfort is called growth. When we grow we usually don’t see the end result on the first day. Good things take time to develop and improve. Stay consistent and be confident in your training today for it will pay off in the long run!

Today’s WOD:

3RM Split Jerk


“Cindy” – 5 Pull Ups / 10 Push Ups / 15 Squats - AMRAP in 20 Minutes

See the CrossFit I-5 YouTube Channel for additional instructional videos.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Take Some Action….

Life is full of decisions and it’s not always easy to do what you should do. It’s often easier to make excuses or put off the important things for another day. The risk with taking the ”easy route” is that it has a big price tag in the long run. The famous business philosopher Jim Rohn once said, ”Discipline weighs ounces but regret ways tons.” Putting off important tasks can create some serious problems down the road. This remain true in every area of our life, whether its spending time with your loved ones, managing your finances, watching what you eat or going to the gym… All of these things are important and all of them need your attention.

What is one thing you will take action on today?

Today’s WOD:

Establish 3 Gymnastic Benchmarks


3 Deadlift (285/215lb) / 10 Double Unders / 6 Ring Push Ups – 3 Min. AMRAP / Rest 1 Min – 3 Rounds

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

How much sleep did you get last night?

Here are 5 random facts about sleep:

  1. Man is the only mammal that willingly delays sleep
  2. Daytime naps improve memory
  3. Sleeping over nine hours per night (for an adult) is just as bad as sleeping 6 or less
  4. If you lose two hours of sleep, you can impair your performance equal to a .05 blood-alcohol level
  5. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise

Today’s WOD:

CFI-5 Active Rest Day… (Do something fun OUTSIDE)


Take a nap!

Follow us on Twitter

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Showering in almonds…?

Here are some random facts about eating almonds…
  • Almonds contain high levels of monounsaturated fats, this helps reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Almonds offer healthy levels of vitamin E, which may help protect against cardiovascular disease
  • Almonds contain vitamin B2, which plays an important role in the body’s production of energy
  • Almonds assist in controlling diabetes, by lowering blood sugar after meals
The most interesting almond fact…
  • Ancient Romans showered newlywed couples with almonds as a fertility charm…??

Almond butter with apples is a great treat!!

Today’s WOD:
Sleep in
CFI-5 Rest day… 3,2,1 GO!
CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Go SV Chargers!!

Tomorrow CrossFit I-5 will be at Laguna Hills High School to support of the Saddleback Valley Pop Warner Opening Day. We are a proud sponsor of the SV Chargers. CrossFit I-5 is committed to teaching this next generation of athletes elite strength and conditioning methods to insure safe and progressive athletic development. Come on out and support the Chargers as they enter into a new season.

Here is a funny video on “How NOT to use a row machine.”.. Enjoy!

Visit the CrossFit I-5 YouTube Channel for proper rowing technique.

Today’s WOD:

Press 3×3


Row 4 Min / Rest 2 Min / Row 3 Min / Rest 1 Min / Row 2 Min / Rest 30 Sec / Row 1 Min - Score total Cals

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness, Mission Viejo, Ca.

What makes a great leader?

Leadership is a great character trait to have. One of the greatest leaders and coaches of all time is John Wooden of UCLA. From 1949-75, he lead UCLA to a record 10 national championships and he was named national coach of the year six times. During his stay at UCLA he established a record of 620-147 (.808) in 27 seasons. He was inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame in 1973.

Here is John Wooden’s pyramid of success. This is an excellent model for developing leadership.

John Wooden Pyramid of Success

Leadership is necessary in the workplace, in school, in your household and even in the gym. Leadership is what allows people to move forward when you are faced with adversity. Leadership brings positive change to a negative situation. Leadership creates teamwork and brings out the best in those around you. Leadership is telling people what they need to hear and making sure they leave feeling better about themselves.

Take a look at this pyramid of success and ask yourself…”How can I become a better leader?”

Today’s WOD:

15 Min Gymnastic Skill Work (Work on areas you are challenged with)


Max Rep: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/75) & Pull ups – 5 Rounds (No rest in between / score total number of reps)

Go to: CFI5 YouTube Channel for instructional videos

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

One day closer…

After several weeks of diligent hard work we are almost ready to be fully open. The grand opening is set for September 18th and all the final details are getting wrapped up. Our equipment and flooring is installed, we just installed our new banner, property management just placed our new signs upfront, our save the date flyers will be produced this week, and classes have been in session.

We are currently holding lunch and evening classes. We will be adding additional class times towards the end of this month and move towards a full schedule after our grand opening. If you are interested in trying a class or just finding out more information about CrossFit I-5, please contact the office 949-297-4927 or send an e-mail to We can schedule a time to privately go over our program details, give you a sample workout and discuss our “Charter Membership” packages.

Stay tuned for more details… Invitations will be sent out shortly.

Today’s WOD:

Max Chin Up x3


25 Front Squat (135/105) / 50 Double Unders / 50 Shoulder to OH (50/40 DB) / 50 Double Unders / 25 Front Squat (135/105)

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Don’t be a victim to the “Silent Killer”

In this day and age its very easy to become overwhelmed with everyday life. We are in a struggling economy, the housing market is down, prices have gone up, unemployment is through the roof and most companies are downsizing. To add to all of this madness, the pressure to keep up has many people laying awake at night. Stress has been nick named the “Silent Killer” and can be linked to heart disease, high blood pressure and other life threatening sicknesses.

Stress and Exercise…

Any exercise, from running to weightlifting, is a great way to relieve stress. Regardless of your current fitness level, a little exercise can go a long way when it comes to managing stress. The important thing is to get started and stay consistent.

Exercise has some direct stress relieving benefits.

  • Exercise feels good: Physical activity helps the production of your brain’s “feel-good” neurotransmitters, called endorphins.
  • Exercise is rewarding: There is no greater feeling than accomplishing something you never thought possible. Losing a few pounds, picking up a heavy weight or putting on the pair of jeans that didn’t fit, can give you brighter outlook on life.
  • Exercise improves your mood: Regular exercise can improve sleep, increase self-confidence and lower the symptoms associated with anxiety & depression.

Today’s WOD:

Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Total reps from all 32 intervals

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Life is a gym…

I was recently in San Diego and I saw this great Kaiser advertisement. This is a great description of our reality.

Everyday we walk up stairs, carry groceries, push trash cans, stand up and sit down, pick up our children, bend over to tie our shoes, put random objects away on the top shelf. Everyday life is made up of a series of unexpected movements that involve our entire bodies. Since life is this way… Shouldn’t we train our bodies in the same way? This is what makes CrossFit so practical. What we do in the gym helps us be more prepared for anything that can come our way.

What was the last task you did outside of the gym that left you our of breath?


5 x 3 Over Head Squat*


9 Minute AMRAP

5 Burpees / 7 KBS (50/35)* / 9 Goblet Squat*

(See CF I-5 youtube channel for instructional)

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Congrats to all competitors..

Yesterday many great athletes met in Orange County, Ca. to challenge their levels of fitness in the Next Level Performance Invitational. Congratulations to all of the competitors for showing their heart and dedication. Thank you for your contribution to growing the CrossFit community.

A special congratulation goes out to our friends over at CrossFit Proper in Corona, Ca. They had an excellent team of athletes participate.

Today’s WOD:

CFI5 – Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness, Mission Viejo, Ca.

Can rest make you stronger??

In order to improve performance it takes a lot of hard work. However, when you train hard, your muscles experience a break down which makes it difficult to maintain a hard training schedule over an extended period of time.

Believe it or not, rest that makes you stronger. While resting you are actually allowing your muscles to heal and recover. A high intensity, functional, workout program, combined with proper balanced nutrition, rest and recovery will improve your ability to handle an increased level of intensity and volume. Rest is just as important as the actual workout.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest day

Do something fun…Go to the beach, go for a run, play a sport with old friends, hike up a mountain, ride your bike…

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Take a step back..

Sometimes we may look at a challenging situation and all we see are the obstacles. It helps to take a step back and look at your challenge from a different perspective. You will typically see the solutions and opportunities when you take this approach.

Taking a different approach can make all the difference. This applies to life, relationships, work and even our workouts. A minor adjustment in your foot position, grip, posture, breathing, timing or mental game can have a huge impact on the end result.

Practice the basics, stay positive, be open minded, seek advice, be relentlessly persistent and strive to continuously improve. Fitness is a life long pursuit. Mastering skills and movements take time, practice and proper coaching.

What can you do today that will make you better than yesterday?

Today’s WOD:

Deadlift – 3×5

Max Double Unders – 2 Min. / Max Pull Up - 1 Min. / Max Cal Row – 1 Min. / Rest 1 Min. – 3 Rounds

Score total reps

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

How much water did you drink today?

Here are some random facts about drinking water…

  • Drinking water suppresses your appetite
  • If you don’t drink enough water your body’s reaction is to retain the water it already has
  • It only takes a loss of 1% – 2% of your body’s ideal water content to cause dehydration
  • Drinking ice cold water actually helps with weight loss

Here are simple tips to help you stay hydrated..

  • Never pass a water cooler without at least taking sip of water
  • Spice up your water with lemons or oranges to help increase your water intake
  • Drink at least 8 – 8oz glasses of water if you are at proper weight.. (add an additional glass for every 25 lbs. of excess weight)
  • Never set down an empty glass of water.. Make sure you have a full glass around you at all times

Today’s WOD:

75 Burpees /75 GHD Back Extensions /75 OH Lunges (45/35) /750 M Row

CrossFit I-5 / Academy of Elite Fitness / Mission Viejo, Ca.

Tight Muscles?

As we grow older, our muscles tighten and range of motion can shorten. This may make it difficult to have an active lifestyle. Tight muscles can also get in the way of our day-to-day routines. Movements that used to be simple, such as tying your shoes or putting something away on the top shelf can become difficult with age. Consistent stretching can help lengthen muscles and make daily activities easier.

Make stretching part of your daily routine (whether its a workout or rest day). Stretching can give you huge results! Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect from regular stretching:

  • Reduced muscle tension and stiffness
  • Increased range of motion
  • Improved coordination
  • Increased blood flow
  • Increased levels of energy
  • Injury prevention

What is a movement you can improve with a little more flexibility?

Today’s WOD:

21 Power Cleans (95/65) / 400 M Run / 25 Pull Ups - 3 Rounds for time

Achieving the Mental Edge

Kay Porter states in her book “The Mental Athlete” there are 5 tool that give an athlete the mental edge in competition.

‘When two athletes of equal ability compete, the athlete with the metal edge most often emerges as the winner. The good news is that you can achieve this edge with the use of five simple tools.”

1. Mental log keeping

2. Effective goal setting

3. Positive self – talk

4. Relaxation techniques

5. Visualization and imagery

Which one of these tools can you implement to give you the mental edge?

Today’s WOD:


Ring Dips / Push Press 135#

Then…. 150 Squats for time

The Front Squat..

The front squat is an essential movement found in everyday life. Whether you are a carpenter moving materials around a worksite or a father carrying his child the strength demands to carry an object in front of you is needed throughout the day…

The front squat is a variation of the air squat. It’s executed with a barbell resting on your front shoulders. Developing strength in this movement will have a positive impact on other movements like cleans or thrusters.

Here is a video to give you some pointers to safely execute the front squat.

Today’s WOD:

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3


Row: 5 x 60 sec. intervals / 30 sec. recovery between intervals. Score total distance.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

CrossFit I-5 Video

What is CrossFit? Who is CrossFit I-5? Vince walks you through basic information on what CrossFit can do for you and your health. If you're looking to improve your overall health and performance and achieve optimum athleticism....come visit CrossFit I-5.

What is CrossFit? Who is CrossFit I-5?

CrossFit is a global fitness community that is committed to achieving elite levels of fitness. Its root started in Santa Cruz, Ca. by Greg Glassman. He was a former gymnast that began training clients with a goal of functional fitness in mind. As a former athlete he believed that exercise and physical fitness should resemble everyday life. Life is unpredictable, it’s challenging and the human body needs to be trained in the same way. He began to evaluate what made people stronger, faster and more physically fit and developed a comprehensive program that helped people achieve these specific goals. With this vision in mind CrossFit was born. Through the Internet the CrossFit philosophy and training methodology has spread across the world and has been proven to bring extraordinary results regardless of where you start. People from all walks of life are realizing the benefits of what CrossFit brings.

There are three components that make up the CrossFit lifestyle. These components are variety, functionality and intensity. This simply means, our workouts will always be different. They involve movements and skills that help you be prepared for real life. Most importantly, our workouts are performed at high levels of intensity. This formula has been community tested and proven to develop the highest levels of physical fitness.

CrossFit has been proven as an extremely effective way to make you stronger, build muscle and lose weight. CrossFit is a deliberate attempt to build a strong foundation in 10 areas of physical fitness. These areas are: cardio & respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. These are required skills regardless of your occupation, age, or athletic background.

The CrossFit I-5 Difference...

We teach you how to control your body, move external objects and do so over long distances. We teach skills and movements that are uncommonly found in most commercial fitness environments. Our program teaches gymnastic movements, Olympic & Power lifting along with various types of high intensity cardio respiratory endurance. Our curriculum consists of a comprehensive method of scaling these movements and skills to make it possible for our students to develop and grow in a safe yet challenging environment. Our goal is to give you a full body workout in less than one hour while teaching you skills and movements that will help you become more physically prepared for any challenge life brings your way. Each class and work out is scored, timed or measured to bring out the highest level of accountability and intensity. Our class environment is friendly, fun and competitive and designed to bring out the inner athlete in all of us.

Are you ready to change your life? Call us now to get CrossFit!