Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Play offense!!

In any game or sport there is both an offensive side and a defensive side. The objective of the offense is to score and the objective of the defense if to prevent the other team from scoring. Both sides have great value. But at the end of the day, its the offense that puts the points on the scoreboard.

This is true in sports, business, and life. There are times when you need to be reactive to what’s going on around you. Other times you have to take initiative and make things happen. Life can viewed as a sport. When the game of life is done, there will be a final score. The score will not be based on all the material things you have accumulated, but, all the points you accumulated in every area of your life. Your contribution to your community, family, and friends counts as points. You will gather points for the times you made people smile. You will score points for creating memories of laughter and joy. You will score points for making a difference in someones life. These points can even be more valuable than the size of your home, what’s in your bank account or the car you drive.

Start with your health and fitness.. Make a decision that you will have a positive impact on someone. Inspire someone to try a healthy meal or try a challenging workout.

Play offense and play to win..What is one area of you life that you should play offense on?

Today’s WOD:

Thrusters – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Then…. 175 Double Unders for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

What’s on your mind?

Research shows a person can have as many as 60,000 thoughts in one day. From the time we wake up, to the time we sleep, we are constantly thinking. We reflect on our past and envision our future. We react to situation and carry conversations. We read and we talk. We multi task. Every action requires some kind of thought.

Have you ever noticed what you are thinking? Are your thoughts positive or negative? The thoughts we think can have an impact on our end result. Our thoughts create emotions that ultimately drive our behavior.

The good news is we have control over our mind. We can control the thoughts we think and the information we put into our mind. In order to reach our fullest potential we must be disciplined and keep our thoughts under control. Take some time to evaluate what we allow into our minds and the environment we are surrounded in.

This is applies to our fitness and weight training program. How you percieve yourself has an impact on the way you perform. Next you are about to start a workout, take a quick note of the thoughts in your mind. Create a positive mental picture of the outcome you would like to receive. Hold that positive thought in your mind and begin your workout on a positive note.

Today’s WOD:

Bear Complex – Power Clean / Front Squat / Push Press / Back Squat / Push Press x 7 – 5 Rounds for Max Weight

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Be adventurous!!

Children are very curious and love adventure. They are always asking questions and looking for something new to try. This desire to discover new things is what makes being around children so fun. Children are bold, courageous and love taking on new challenges.

As we grow older, the desire to try new things is not as strong. Adults are often overcome by fear when it comes time to try something new. We over analyze things and are quick to find a reason why something will never work or is too dangerous. We blame our busy schedules, our past experiences or are influenced by what our friends or family might say.

This approach is boring… Try something fun and different. Test your limits.

What is one thing you have always wanted to try?

Today is Monday…Be adventurous!

Today’s WOD:

Bench Press 5×5


7 Ring Dips, 7 Cal Row, 7 Front Squat (135/105) – 12 Minute AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca

Where are you going??

Our lives are full of daily rituals and habits. Most people have a daily routine from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. With such a busy schedule, we often don’t have a few minutes to look up to see if we are being efficient.

It is always helpful to have someone evaluate what you are doing and give you a second opinion. This applies to your business and personal life. This logic also applies to your fitness. It’s always a good idea to have an expert evaluate your current routine and give you some fresh ideas. This can help you become more efficient and productive?

Take some time to look at your current routine.. Are you being efficient?

What is something that you could use a second opinion on?

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

Have a well balanced meal, do something active and take a nap

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be like water..

Bruce Lee was a martial artist that was way ahead of his time. He had a very unique philosophy when it came to martial arts. He believed that the best martial art style was to have “no style”. He believed you must stay opened minded and take the most effective movements from every martial art and develop your own style.

Many would say this is very similar to what Mixed Martial Arts is today…

This is a very unique approach to life. This is what CrossFit is all about. The goal of CrossFit is to do more work in less time. With this goal in mind the CrossFit community continues to evolve and grow. We combine gymnastics, pose running, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, kettlebells, plyometrics, dynamic stretching, rowing, and support this activity with The Zone and Paleo nutrition plan and put it all together into one program. We call this program ”The Sport of Fitness”.

Fitness and life are multidimensional. We should prepare in the same way.

Is there an area of your fitness or life that you are overlooking?

Today’s WOD:

Jackie: 1,000 M Row / 50 Thrusters (45/33#) / 30 Pull Ups


2 Min Max. Ring Dips

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness

Eat more fat?

“Eat less fat!” We hear the media say this all the time. This saying can very misleading. This saying makes people believe that ALL fat is bad. This is actually incorrect. In order to have a complete balance nutrition plan, we should be consuming 30% of our calories from “good” fat.

So what are good fats? Good fats are found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds and olives. We should avoid fats commonly found in animals and fats that solidify at room temperature (mostly found in packaged or processed food).

Eating good fats with every meal will give you a well balanced diet, which has many benefits. A good nutrition plan will give you more energy, change your body composition, move the scale to an ideal weight and improve your overall health.

Today’s WOD:

10 minute handstand work / 10 minute pistol work


95 Lb. Hang clean on the minute (Add one rep for every minute. Ex: minute 1 = 1 hang clean, minute 2 = 2 hang clean, etc.)

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It is harvest time…

This is the beginning of the fall season. Fall is the time to reap the harvest. The seeds sewn in spring are now ready to be farmed. The farmers will receive their rewards for hard work, diligence and patience.

Farming is a similar process to developing your strength and improving your fitness. We do not see the major improvements in the first few days or weeks. It takes time to improve. Improving your strength involves an ongoing cycle of weight training, body weight exercises, proper nutrition and efficient rest. When you repeat this cycle long enough, you will experience the improvements in your health and fitness.

Keep this in mind the next time you are in the gym. What you do today may not show its benefits until a little later down the road. Be patient and have fun.

Today’s WOD:


100 Pull Ups / 100 Push Ups / 100 Sit Ups / 100 Squats

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Jumping and fitness…

Jumping has many benefits when it is properly implemented into a fitness program. Jumping improves your balance, coordination, agility and body awareness. Another benefit of jumping is an increase of functional strength because of the triples extension of your ankles, knees and hip.

Children are fearless when it comes to jumping. It is a simple carry over because jumping is part of their everyday life. Sack races, hop scotch or leap frog are easy for a child to understand because of their game like environment. Somehow when we get older the idea of jumping seems awkward and uncomfortable.

Have fun with jumping, its a great way to get your blood flowing and your heart racing.

Today’s WOD:

15 Minute gymnastics work


12 Burpee Broad Jumps / 200 M Run / 12 Dumbbell Push Press – 7 Rounds for time

CrossFitI-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What if you knew you couldn’t fail?

We all go through challenging times. When we do, its really easy to get sucked into the “Depression Trap”. In these times of trial, we find out what we are made of. If you are being tested, be optimistic. This is could be your chance to re-define yourself. In order for things to change, you got to take the 1st step towards your new life. What if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Here are a couple of thoughts if you are facing adversity:

Be patient: Big challenges take time to conquer.
Be persistent: Stay on offense and make progress everyday.
Be optimistic: Celebrate every victory, big or small. Stay focused on the big picture.
Today is the start of a new week.. Get inspired and be courageous! What would you do if you had a second chance?

Today’s WOD:

Max rep 95lb Over Head Squat


Angie:50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Double Unders / Sit Ups

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thank you for your support..

We had an awesome Grand Opening Celebration.. Thank you to everyone that came to support the event. Special thanks to all of our event sponsors: Lululemon Athletica Irvine, EFX Performance, DS Sports Nutrition, SOCR Chamber, Lightning MMA and MIH Marketing. We are extremely excited to share the CrossFit program with the residents of Mission Viejo and the entire Saddleback Valley. Photos and video will be posted shortly.

Please join us for our class at Lululemon Athletica at the Irvine Spectrum. We will be having class from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. See you all there.

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Today is a day to celebrate…

A wise king once said, “There is a time for everything.” Take the word “everything” literally. This means there is a time to work and a time to play. There is a time to laugh and a time to cry. There is a time to exercise and a time to rest.

Today is a time to celebrate, laugh and rest.

Today is the official grand opening of our academy. CrossFit I-5 is an Academy of Elite Fitness. We offer CrossFit Training in a fun, friendly and positive learning environment. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program that utilizes functional movements, that are constantly varied and performed at high intensity. We teach our students to achieve elite levels of fitness through gymnastics, weight training and cardio endurance.

Come on down….

Time: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm

Place: CrossFit I-5 -23342 Madero Unit G. Mission Viejo, Ca.

Today’s WOD:

Come down and hang out at the CrossFit I-5 Grand Opening.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite of Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Proper planning…

Have you ever felt as if things are out of control? Whenever we feel this way, its wise to take a step back and revisit your plan. There is an old saying: “Plan your work and work your plan.” A well thought out plan can make a big difference in your end result.

Here are 5 tips to establishing an effective plan..

  1. Prioritize – You only have 24 hours in a day. Make sure you are spending your time on activities that bring the largest return.
  2. Be flexible - Unexpected things will come up, when they do, address the issue and get back on track with your plan.
  3. Think of solutions - Don’t get distracted by your problems. Take a deep breathe and think of the best solution to get around this obstacle.
  4. Take Action – Start working your plan immediately.
  5. Be accountable- Partner with someone to help you stay on track.

Proper planning is a critical part of every day life including, your health, nutrition and fitness. Evaluate where you want to go and create a road map to get there. This is an ongoing process. Look at the big picture and continually monitor your results.

What are of your life do you need to start a plan for today?

Today’s WOD:

9 Thrusters / 750 M Row / 15 Thrusters / 750 M Row / 21 Thrusters / 750 M Row


Max Ring Dips in 2 Min

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Choose your words wisely..

The famous business philosopher Jim Rohn once said.. “Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.”

A few simple words can direct a situation either positively or negatively. When communicating we always want to maintain honesty, however, we should always be sensative to the other persons feelings. Our choice of words and how deliver our message will dictate the end result. Make it your goal to use your words wisely and make 1 person smile a day!

Here’s an example of how not to use your words…

This lesson applies to all areas of our life. The word we use are importantant in our personal relationships, business, home and the CrossFit community… CrossFit is challenging, it takes a positive community to help each individual grow. Take the time to say something nice. Cheer people on. Compliment each others efforts. Make sure you are making your contribution!

Have you ever said something you wish you can take back? How would you say it differently if you had a chance to say it again?

Today’s WOD:

800M Run / 50 Pull Ups / 75 Push Ups / 100 Double Unders
Max Rep Body Weight Bench Press (Score final time and total BP reps)

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Why deadlift?

Many would argue that the deadlift causes back injury in the weight room. If this is the case.. Why implement deadlifts into your weight training program? The answer is easy. The deadlift is a functional movement that we do everyday. We always pick things off the floor. When we pick up our groceries or our children we are doing a deadlift. As we grow older our strength will begin to deteriorate. It is critical that we properly learn the deadlift to build strength and prevent injury down the road.

How not deadlift…

How to deadlift...

Just like in any learning environment, it takes a good teacher along with good supervision. Make sure you are following a weight training program that offers these two criteria.

What was the last thing you picked up off the ground? Did you use proper technique?

Today’s WOD:

Deadlift 5×5


15 Box Jumps / 20 Wall Balls – 5 Rounds for time.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Monday, September 13, 2010

What was your favorite sport?

The benefits of organized youth sports far out weigh any potential risks. Patience, preparation, persistence and discipline are only a few of the life skills that a child can learn when being involved in organized sports. Also, the relationship of a young athlete and a positive role model like a coach can pay big dividends down the road. Organized youth sports creates a platform for children to be recognized and surround themselves with positive peers.

Here are a few simple tips to help encourage the next generation succeed..

1) Be positive - Sports can have its ups and downs. Whatever the outcome may be, always look for something positive to say before, during and after every sporting event.

2) Let the coach be the coach - It’s the coaches responsibility is to instruct your child and develop his athletic ability. Try to stay out of their way. This takes pressure away from your children and makes it easier on the coach.

3) Never try to relive your childhood - We see this far too many often at kids sporting events. This is your child’s time to shine. Make it fun for them and allow them to make mistakes. Learning new skills takes time.

Whatever sports interests them, encourage their growth and athletic development. Childhood obesity is at an all time high. Getting the kids in the sun and staying active sure beats the couch and playing video games.

What sports did you enjoy as a kid?

Today’s WOD:

Front Squat 5×5


15 Toes to Bar / 400 M Run / 18 Kettlebell Cleans (55#/35#) – 3 Rounds For Time

Follow us on FaceBook

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

What’s a Chipper?

A “Chipper” is a workout format that involves multiple tasks and movements to complete in a certain order. Chippers are designed so that as you fatigue in one task, you switch movements and continue on until your workout is complete. These workouts can be challenging yet rewarding. The wide variety of movements requires an incredible base of skill combined with strength and endurance.

Chippers typically level the playing field. Every athlete has strengths and weaknesses. When a workout includes 5 or more different movements, both strengths and weaknesses will likely be exposed.

This is a picture of the final Chipper workout in the 2009 CrossFit Games.

Today’s WOD:

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

This “Filthy Fifty” workout is a great example of a Chipper workout.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Some content in this post is courtesy of the CrossFit Journal

What do you fear?

Fear can be defined as: “an emotional response to a perceived threat”. The key word in this definition is, “perceived”. What we perceive as a threat, may actually be good for us. We just need to be open minded and look at things from a different perspective. Have you ever been scared of something that was actually beneficial for you?

It’s in our nature to become so accustomed to living our lives one way, the idea of change is a scary thought. Change is a good thing and can bring positive results. Change opens up a whole new world of opportunity. The act of stepping face to face with something that terrifies you takes character and boldness.

Sometimes it’s helpful to surround yourself with people that will help you face your fears. Is there something you are fearful about?

Today’s WOD:

CFI-5 Active Rest Day.. Come join us at Lululemon in Irvine. Class starts at 9:00 am.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

A moment of silence…

We live in a country that has many privileges. We have freedom of speech, commerce, religion, and many other benefits that come with being a citizen of this great country.

Nine years ago on this very day our freedom was under attack. Many great soldiers have committed their lives to protect our freedom. Today we honor and remember those that fight for our country. We encourage you to a moment of silence to remember those brave heroes that have lost their lives fighting for our freedom.

Because of these troops our children can play on paved streets and we can sleep well at night.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Friday, September 10, 2010


“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.”
~Lee Greenwood

A CrossFit “Hero” WOD is a workout named after an individual that has died serving our country. In honor of those heroes that lost their lives since the 9/11 tragedy, we will be doing the “Josh” WOD.

Our prayers go out to the all the families that have lost loved ones fighting for our freedom.

SSG Joshua Hager, United States Army, was killed Thursday February 22, 2007 in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. Our thoughts, prayers, and condolences go out to Josh’s friends and family.

Today’s WOD:


For time:
95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Good things take time…

In this age of microwaves, remote controls, and the Internet it is often difficult to appreciate how good things come about. I am sure we are all accustomed to instant gratification. It feels like an eternity since we moved into this space. In reality, it has only been a few weeks. It seems as if we have spent countless hours getting our systems, processes, website, programming and facility up to speed. Since we have high expectations, this process seems never ending…

In reality, we have gotten a lot done in a short period of time. When I take a step back, I am extremely excited to see the rewards our students will experience.

This is true when it comes to all areas of our lives. In particular, this reality is very strong when it comes to our health and fitness. We may have our heart set on achieving something specific.. maybe a target body weight, a particular weight you want to lift, a certain workout that you want to crush or a movementthat you are so close to accomplishing. Fitness and life are both a process, it’s NOT an event. Stay focused, be persistent and measure your progress… Before you know it you will be closer to your goal.

Today’s WOD:

Squat Ladder- With a 45lb barbell do one squat on the minute and 2 squats on the 2nd minute…Do this until you can no longer complete the work in the allotted minute.

Round 1-10: Back Squat / Round 11-20: Front Squat / Round 21+: Overhead Squat

CorssFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Be Bold..

Sometimes its necessary to be willing to stand out… There are times in life when we feel so strong about a cause it forces us to make decisions most people don’t understand. It’s in these moments that we find out a lot about ourselves. Living boldly is not an easy task. Most people just want to do what every one else is doing. That’s the easy path.

This situation is very similar to starting CrossFit. Our program, classes and community are very unique. It’s a fitness program that go goes beyond the way we look in the mirror. CrossFit is challenging, it’s about learning new skills and learning movements that take time to master. We teach you to find new physical and mental thresholds. We are students that are continually striving to achieve an elite levels of fitness. CrossFit is a lifestyle. This is very different, but, its the right thing to do..

What is one thing that you need to be bold about?

Today’s WOD:

Power Snatch 5 x 3


400 M Run / 15 KB Front Squats (50/35) / 25 Push Ups / 35 Double Unders – 3 Rounds for time

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CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How well do you give directions?

Have you ever given someone directions to complete a task and they just can’t make it happen? You try to coach that person in the best way you can, but, they just don’t seem to get it. Then someone else gives them directions and they perform with no problems. Why does this happen? Is it something you said or didn’t say? Did the other person communicate better that you did?

Chances are, it may be a little bit of both… We often communicate from a one sided perspective. Next time you are in this situation, revisit what you are saying and get creative in your communication. People filter information in different ways. Try changing your tone. Try giving a compliment, then your instructions. Try using an analogy. Try bringing in someone else to help you explain. Try painting a different mental picture. The bottom line is, try something different if you are having a problem communicating a message or accomplishing a task.

Is there something you are saying or doing that is not working? Try a different approach and re-examine your progress.

Today’s WOD:

Power Clean 5×5


9 Pull Ups, 9 Burpees, 9 GHD Sit Ups 7 Rounds for time

Like us on FaceBook
CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Is your life in balance?..

Balance is a never ending pursuit when it comes to our lives. When you need to make up some ground financially, your career will excel, but, your family suffers. When you are in need for some romantic attention, your other friendships or career suffers. This is a common thread that runs through all areas of our life. I have experienced this dilemma in my relationships, spiritually, financially, and physically. It is very easy to neglect a certain area of our life when we are very focused on excelling in one particular area. The best remedy for this is to take personal inventory of all the areas of your life. This will help insure your are giving appropriate attention to the important pieces that make up who you are. The simplest action can bring balance back into your life. Have you made time to evaluate if there is defficiency in any areas?

This is also true when it comes to your fitness. Is there one area of your current exercise program that is lacking attention?

Today’s WOD:

200 M Run / 1,000 M Row / 400 M Run / 750 M Row / 800 M Run / 500 M Row


10 Min Kettlebell Skill Work

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Consider a bed upgrade..

Take advantage of this 3 day weekend and use this time to get some well deserved rest. It is very tempting to go out and do something out of the ordinary. Adventure is a good thing, just never let adventure take over your body’s need to rest. The challenge with this sense of adventure is we usually come back from our long weekends, needing a long weekend to recover.

Rest is an essential part of the fitness cycle but it is also necessary to operate at 100% in any other task you are taking on. Have you have ever tried taking a test or driving in traffic with a lack of sleep? It’s pretty challenging right?

Here are 3 simple tips to consider when you are preparing to it the sack…

1) Turn off the TV and all other electronic devices. Your computer, iPhone and TV have miraculous power to keep you engaged even though your body is crying out for your pillow.
2) Check the room temperature. It becomes pretty challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep if you are not comfortable.
3) Consider a bed upgrade. If you and your spouse take turns waking each other up.. it doesn’t help either of you.

What are some other distractions that are prevent you from getting a good night of rest?

Today’s WOD:

CF I-5 Active Rest Day

Come on down to Lululemon in Irvine if you are need of a WOD. Class is at 9:00 am.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Find a coach and listen..

Every great athlete, from Kobe Bryant to Manny Pacquiao have coaches to help them see and better understand where they can improve. The role of coach is not just to tell you what you are doing wrong, but, to also help you understand what you are doing right. A coach is someone that can direct your path to help insure you are moving in the right direction. The benefit of this outside perspective can make the world of difference when you are looking for improvements. It is in these great relationships that legends are created.

This concept is applicable in all areas of your life. If you are looking to improve in your career, a sport, or your business, find a coach that can help you. Sometimes you might need a team of multiple coaches, for multiple areas of improvement. The key is to find a reliable and reputable coach and be willing to take and apply advice. The biggest challenge is the second part of the equation.. A good coach will not just tell you what you want to hear, but, a good coach will also tell you what you need to hear. If you are looking for improvements in a certain area of your life, be open minded and you will discover a whole new you….

Are you in need of a coach for a certain are of your life?

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day / Take some time today to work on a new skill

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca

EFX is giving away prizes..

Our partners at EFX performance are stepping up and will be giving away over $500 in prizes. They are sponsoring the contests we will be having at our Grand Opening celebration on September 18th. Come on out, bring a friend or a family member and join in on the fun. See you all here!!

EFX effectively tunes the body, immediately unleashing its full potential for function and performance.

Some of the most notable results include:

Increased balance and strength
Enhanced flexibility and motion
Better focus and alertness
Relief of stress and tension
Faster recovery time
Abatement of jet lag and motion sickness

Today’s WOD:

Megan: 21/15/9 – Kettlebell Swings (55/40) / Burpees / Double Unders – 3 Rounds for time


1,000 M row for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Anxiety affects the body both physically and mentally. This is an uncertain time and it is very common to find ourselves feeling anxious about one thing or another. Some anxiety is normal, however, when anxiety begins to negatively affect our everyday life, its time for you to take control. The first step to addressing anxiety it to relax and think of a positive end result you would like to experience.

Below are 4 common symptoms to know if anxiety is trying to take over a situation…

Your heart rate increases or your body begins to sweat without any physical output
You experience chest pain or dizziness
Your regular sleep pattern is interrupted and you begin to experience a loss of sleep
You begin to behave outside of character
If you are suffering from anxiety and you begin to feel any of these symptoms, remember: The 1st step to beating anxiety is to relax and think of what you want to happen!

Today’s WOD:

Front Squat 5×5


Max Rep: Weighted Lunge (50/35) & Strict Pull Ups – 7 Rounds (Score Total Reps)

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

What is CrossFit? Constantly varied, Functional movements, High Intensity.

Constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity.

The more variety and creativity that are placed into the workouts, the more your body will develop and grow stronger.

Functional movements are universal motor patterns that mimic human movement in every day life. Functional movements are squats, deadlifts, pushes, pulls, lunges, rotational movements. They are not single-joint movements but rather multi-joint movements.

Intensity is all about hard and fast. How hard and how fast depends on your fitness level. All workouts are scaled to your level of intensity. Intensity is where the results are! Guaranteed!

Have you practiced gymnastics today?

Gymnastics is a sport that involves full body exercises and is intended to improve body awareness, while displaying strength, balance and agility. Whether you are a martial artist, football player or just have a desire to be fit and lose weight, gymnastics should be part of your fitness training program. We often relate gymnastics as an after school program we take our children to. However, gymnastics is a bit more then that. You can see the benefits of gymnastics just about everywhere you look. You see gymnastics in action movies, at sporting events, in martial arts competitions and even on your children’s playground at school.

Gymnastic movements even happen in our personal lives.. As we run up the stairs, stand up, sit down, bend over and maneuver ourselves through that obstacle course know as the garage, these are all examples of controlling your body, which all have roots in gymnastics.

Have you ever injured yourself from doing something very simple? Practice basic gymnastics movements everyday (squat, lunge, push up, etc) and it will help prevent injury and make life much easier.

Today’s WOD:

7 Ground to Overhead (135# /105 #) then 3 rounds of Cindy (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats) – 3 rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Watch more amazing videos on the CF I-5 YouTube Channel