Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sense of Balance

Life is a serious subject, especially when you have multiple responsibilities. As we grow older, we can be very consumed with all of life’s worries. Our careers, families, spirituality, health and finances are your priorities. Some may have a higher priority or the others. All of our time is spent on managing these different areas of our lives.

With all of these different responsibilities, do we have time for fun? Make time to enjoy the things you have worked so hard for. Live in “the moment” and celebrate how far you have come.

This sense of balance is important. Take some time to examine your current situation.

Is your current life in balance? If not, what area do you need to give a little more attention to?

Today’s WOD:

Row 250 M x 3 – 30 second rest between intervals


3 – Hang Power Clean (135/105) /15 Double Unders / 6 Kettlebell Snatch (50/35) – 9 Min AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.

Remain Calm

We have all heard that workouts and exercise need to be intense. I have found that it is sometimes difficult to be maintain intensity and maintain proper form. So what is more important? Is it better to be intense with poor form or is it more productive to collect your thoughts, remain calm and maintain proper form?

The answer is… It is better to remain calm and maintain proper form throughout your entire workout. The goal of every CrossFit athlete is to maintain proper form with highest levels of intensity. I have found it is best to stay mentally checked in and focused during your workouts. This takes a bit of mental toughness. Remaining control of your emotions and being aware of your surroundings produces the best possible results. Performing functional movements takes time to master. Be patient. Focus on improving the fundamentals. Practice the mechanics of movements. This is the best way to achieve
the full benefits of exercise.

Today’s WOD:

7 – Overhead Lunges / 7 Burpees / 7 Squat Cleans / 7 Push Ups – 7 Rounds

Thanksgiving Potluck & Helen Challenge

On Saturday November 20, 2010 we will be having our Thanksgiving Potluck and CrossFit I-5 Winter Challenge Kick Off.

This event is an excellent way to track your progress, stay competitive and be accountable to your fitness goals during the holiday!

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Today’s WOD:

15 Wall Balls (20/14) / 10 Overhead Squats (95/75) / 15 Pull Ups – 5 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

CrossFit Sports & Fitness Expo

On Saturday November 13th CrossFit I-5 will have a booth at the CrossFit Sports and Fitness Expo. This event is open to CrossFit Affiliates, Athletes, Fans or anyone that would like to find out more information regarding the CrossFit movement.

The location is at the OC Market Place in Costa Mesa.

Below is the schedule for this event.. Hope to see you all there!

8am-4pm CFE Sports & Fitness Expo

9:30am – First WOD
(WoDs will go every 30 minutes between 10am-11am and from 2pm-3:30pm) Check event schedule on Saturday.

Opening Address to the CrossFit Community

CrossFit State of The Community Panel (Executive and Athletes Panel); featuring Greg Glassman, Lisa Lugo, Brian MacKenzie, Greg Amundson, Jimi Letchford, Josh Everett, Kristin Clever, Dave Castro, Kelly Starrett, Dave Lipson, Coach B and more!)

Tim Ferriss, NY Times best-selling author of the 4-Hour Work Week on Social Media/Marketing for CrossFit. Book signing to follow!

WoDs continue…Battle The Beasts (Lipson, Everett, Clever, Voight)

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Push Press

The push press is a very explosive movement that takes an external object from your shoulders to an overhead position. This is a full body excercise that requires involvement of your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles during the movement. This multi joint extension in the an integral part in completing the lift.

This explosiveness creates momentum driving the bar (dumbbell, kettl bell, or medicine ball) to a locked out position over head. The execution of the “dip & drive”, is a straight up and down motion. This movement is very functional and efficient. An athlete can lift as much as 30% more using the push press vs. a strict shoulder press.

Today’s WOD:

Max Strict Pull Ups x 3


200 M Run / 10 Knees to Elbows / 12 Push Press (95/75) - 6 Rounds

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Warming Up

Warming up is an essential part to any fitness or athletic program . Warming up prior to physical activity will prepare the body both physically and metally for strenuous activity.

An effective warm up should accomplish several goals:

Prepare your muscles, tendons and joints for strenuous activity
Increase your core and muscle temperature to make them pliable
Increase your heart rate and blood flow to deliver oxygen to working muscles
Dynamic stretching that mimics the movement you will be performing
Keep your warm ups skill driven and upbeat.

Today’s WOD:

1,500 M row for time




Clean / Ring Dips

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a fun and efficient way to exercise. It does not require much equipment and can be done just about anywhere. Jumping rope improves your cardiovascular endurance, balance, coordination, and agility.

Jumping rope is a skill that takes time to develop. Be patient and get creative. Here is an awesome video of a jump rope expert, Buddy Lee, teaching the Double Under.

Today’s WOD:

Back Squat 5 X 5


10 Double Unders / 9 KB Front Squat / 8 Lunges – AMRAP in 12 Minutes

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.