Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do the common uncommonly well…

In the August 2005, Greg Glassman sent an open letter to CrossFit Trainers about fundamentals, virtuosity and mastery. Virtuosity is defined in gymnastics as “performing the common uncommonly well.”
This seems like a simple concept. The challenge is, there are so many complex movements in the CrossFit program. The double under, snatch or muscle up are defining movements that separate the beginner from the advanced. It is very tempting to jump ahead and focus on developing these advanced skills while neglecting the details of a perfect air squat. The CrossFit environment is competitive. The desire to compete with your peers creates intensity. Intensity drives results. However, the lack of attention to details and mechanics creates stumbling blocks in the long run. Take the time to practice the basics. Perfect the. Understand the details. Ask questions and apply new information. Did you know there are 23 points that make up a perfect air squat?
Today’s WOD:
OHS 5 x 5
9 Squats / 6 Kettlebell Snatch (50/35) – 9 Minutes AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Our community is awesome!

The most amazing part of the CrossFit I-5 program is it’s community. The relationships being built inside and outside of the gym are priceless. Over the past few weeks we have been gotten together to support one another at several different events. CrossFit I-5 is a really fun group. Over the past few weeks we have been to fitness expo’s, CrossFit competitions, 5 & 10K runs, competed in internal challenges, participated in seminars and today we conquered the bowling alley! I am looking forward to what the new year will bring!

CrossFit I-5 at Saddleback Lanes

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Break out of your routine…

It takes courage to face new challenges. It much easier to stay in the routine you follow each day. Routines rob you of your opportunity to grow, overcome fear and gain new life experiences.

This is relevant in every area of life, business, relationships and even your exercise program. Breaking out of your routine builds awareness of the areas that need improvement. It also gives you opportunity to discover how good you really are. There is great satisfaction in knowing you took down a new challenge. Get out there. Go for it.

What is one thing you would like to try in the next 30 days?

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 will be bowling. Join us for the fun.

Saddleback Lanes
25402 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92692

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Power Clean

The power clean is weight training movement where the lifter jumps the bar up from the ground and cathes it at the shoulders with the athletes thighs above parallel.

The power clean is a very explosive movement that requires several muscles and joints to fire at one time. The power clean is commonly found in athletic training arenas because it mimics the movements found in many sports. The power clean devolops explosive power in sprinting and jumping. This is a complex movement that will take time to master however the benefits far out weigh the work. The power clean will also develop power, speed, balance, accuracy and grip strength.

Try something new…

“One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.” Aristotle

As a father I encourage my children to continually try new things. I want to see my children find out about themselves. I believe there are valuable life lessons in trying new things. What if you can be dramatically good at something but you never gave it a try? Regardless of how challenging this may seem, there are many benefits to trying something new. You got to have courage and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.

Trying something new builds courage to face other tasks. Trying something new forces you to grow. Trying something new brings excitement into your life. Trying something give you confidence. Trying something new sets a great example. Trying something new will help you find your passion in life. Trying something new is a learning process. Trying something new make allows you to live with no regrets.

This applies to every area of life… Career, relationships, personal time, exercise, nutrition, fitness, etc. What is one thing that you have always wanted to try?

Today’s WOD:

400 M Run / 12 Toes To Bar / 7 Shoulder to Overhead (155 /125) – 5 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Take time to reflect

Take time today to be alone and reflect om your life. Time alone can be very productive and can have a very positive impact on your mental health and wellness. Use this to take inventory of your life?

Are you moving in the right direction? Are you working towards a positive end result? What are the things that make you happy? What relationships would you like to strengthen?

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day or Body Weight WOD

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.
Body Awareness ~ Weight Training ~ Running Technique ~ Cardio Endurance
High Intensity Functional Fitness ~ Personal & Group Fitness Classes

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sense of Balance

Life is a serious subject, especially when you have multiple responsibilities. As we grow older, we can be very consumed with all of life’s worries. Our careers, families, spirituality, health and finances are your priorities. Some may have a higher priority or the others. All of our time is spent on managing these different areas of our lives.

With all of these different responsibilities, do we have time for fun? Make time to enjoy the things you have worked so hard for. Live in “the moment” and celebrate how far you have come.

This sense of balance is important. Take some time to examine your current situation.

Is your current life in balance? If not, what area do you need to give a little more attention to?

Today’s WOD:

Row 250 M x 3 – 30 second rest between intervals


3 – Hang Power Clean (135/105) /15 Double Unders / 6 Kettlebell Snatch (50/35) – 9 Min AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness in Mission Viejo, Ca.

Remain Calm

We have all heard that workouts and exercise need to be intense. I have found that it is sometimes difficult to be maintain intensity and maintain proper form. So what is more important? Is it better to be intense with poor form or is it more productive to collect your thoughts, remain calm and maintain proper form?

The answer is… It is better to remain calm and maintain proper form throughout your entire workout. The goal of every CrossFit athlete is to maintain proper form with highest levels of intensity. I have found it is best to stay mentally checked in and focused during your workouts. This takes a bit of mental toughness. Remaining control of your emotions and being aware of your surroundings produces the best possible results. Performing functional movements takes time to master. Be patient. Focus on improving the fundamentals. Practice the mechanics of movements. This is the best way to achieve
the full benefits of exercise.

Today’s WOD:

7 – Overhead Lunges / 7 Burpees / 7 Squat Cleans / 7 Push Ups – 7 Rounds

Thanksgiving Potluck & Helen Challenge

On Saturday November 20, 2010 we will be having our Thanksgiving Potluck and CrossFit I-5 Winter Challenge Kick Off.

This event is an excellent way to track your progress, stay competitive and be accountable to your fitness goals during the holiday!

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Today’s WOD:

15 Wall Balls (20/14) / 10 Overhead Squats (95/75) / 15 Pull Ups – 5 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

CrossFit Sports & Fitness Expo

On Saturday November 13th CrossFit I-5 will have a booth at the CrossFit Sports and Fitness Expo. This event is open to CrossFit Affiliates, Athletes, Fans or anyone that would like to find out more information regarding the CrossFit movement.

The location is at the OC Market Place in Costa Mesa.

Below is the schedule for this event.. Hope to see you all there!

8am-4pm CFE Sports & Fitness Expo

9:30am – First WOD
(WoDs will go every 30 minutes between 10am-11am and from 2pm-3:30pm) Check event schedule on Saturday.

Opening Address to the CrossFit Community

CrossFit State of The Community Panel (Executive and Athletes Panel); featuring Greg Glassman, Lisa Lugo, Brian MacKenzie, Greg Amundson, Jimi Letchford, Josh Everett, Kristin Clever, Dave Castro, Kelly Starrett, Dave Lipson, Coach B and more!)

Tim Ferriss, NY Times best-selling author of the 4-Hour Work Week on Social Media/Marketing for CrossFit. Book signing to follow!

WoDs continue…Battle The Beasts (Lipson, Everett, Clever, Voight)

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Push Press

The push press is a very explosive movement that takes an external object from your shoulders to an overhead position. This is a full body excercise that requires involvement of your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles during the movement. This multi joint extension in the an integral part in completing the lift.

This explosiveness creates momentum driving the bar (dumbbell, kettl bell, or medicine ball) to a locked out position over head. The execution of the “dip & drive”, is a straight up and down motion. This movement is very functional and efficient. An athlete can lift as much as 30% more using the push press vs. a strict shoulder press.

Today’s WOD:

Max Strict Pull Ups x 3


200 M Run / 10 Knees to Elbows / 12 Push Press (95/75) - 6 Rounds

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Warming Up

Warming up is an essential part to any fitness or athletic program . Warming up prior to physical activity will prepare the body both physically and metally for strenuous activity.

An effective warm up should accomplish several goals:

Prepare your muscles, tendons and joints for strenuous activity
Increase your core and muscle temperature to make them pliable
Increase your heart rate and blood flow to deliver oxygen to working muscles
Dynamic stretching that mimics the movement you will be performing
Keep your warm ups skill driven and upbeat.

Today’s WOD:

1,500 M row for time




Clean / Ring Dips

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a fun and efficient way to exercise. It does not require much equipment and can be done just about anywhere. Jumping rope improves your cardiovascular endurance, balance, coordination, and agility.

Jumping rope is a skill that takes time to develop. Be patient and get creative. Here is an awesome video of a jump rope expert, Buddy Lee, teaching the Double Under.

Today’s WOD:

Back Squat 5 X 5


10 Double Unders / 9 KB Front Squat / 8 Lunges – AMRAP in 12 Minutes

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat

Have a fun and safe weekend. Sugar raises insulin levels. Make sure you step up the protein and water intake this weekend.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Barbell for Boobs Fundraiser

There will be a Barbell for Boobs fundraiser at CrossFit Ethos in Laguna Hills tomorrow

CrossFit Ethos
23001 Del Lago Dr., Laguna Hills, CA 92653

The events starts at 9:00 a.m.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Are you hydrated?

Every organ, tissue, fiber and cell in our body depends on water to function properly. Over half of our body weight is made up of water. Drinking water is essential when achieving optimal health. Our body uses water to remove waste, maintain proper body temperature and lubricate joints. Here is a great video where you can check your current hydration level.

A couple common symptoms of dehydration is dry mouth, head or neck pain, dizziness or fatigue. Never wait until you experience dehydration symptoms to act. Be proactive. Drink plenty of water through out the day, even when you are not thirsty.

Today’s WOD:

12 Deadlift (135/105) / 6 Hand Stand Push Ups / 12 DB Cleans (40/30) / 6 Pull Ups – 7 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Opportunity knocks..

I was once asked the question, “If all things were equal, would you be doing what you are doing with your time?” When I first heard this, I did not know how to respond. The idea of having, “ALL THINGS being equal” really changes the perspective. The hours I was working, the money I was making and the benefits I was receiving were all pretty good. The only problem was… I was not 100 percent passionate about how I was spending my time. I was not excited about going into work. I was learning a lot, but, I would not say I was passionate about it.

It’s easy to settle for what we get, instead of pursing what we really want.

How are you spending your time? Are you doing what you want with your time? If not..What is holding you back? This is your chance to start moving towards your goals. Start today. Start with what you have. Start small. Take a step of faith and write out some goals. Map out the necessary steps to turn your goals into reality.

Opportunity is all around us. It is usually disguised as adversity. Your dream job, your dream business, your dream home, will not show up on your door step unannounced. You need to work towards them. Your goals are attainable. It starts with you.

What will you do different today that will get you closer to your goals?

Today’s WOD:

4 Tabata (20 Seconds Work / 10 Seconds Rest) Rounds of:

Pull Ups / Box Jumps / Kettlebell Swings / Wall Balls / Push Ups / Kettle Bell Thrusters / 10 Yard Runs

Score total reps of all 7 movements

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

A great 10 minute investment…

Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue massage which involves stretching and massaging of the connective tissue (fascia). Self myofascial release can be a step in the right direction when it comes to improving your performance. Myofascial release can decrease chances of injury, improve range of motion and overall flexibility. As our muscles experience trauma we develop scar tissue which eventually leads to stiffness, poor flexibility and pain in our joints.

Foam rolling acts as a form of self massage and forces our bodies to relax while breaking down adhesion. Tennis or lacrosse balls can also be used for the same purpose. A ten minute session everyday will reap major benefits in overall training and well being.

Have you used your foam roller today?

Today’s WOD:

25 GHD Back Extension / 400 M Run / 25 Box Jumps – 3 Rounds for time


100 Push ups for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sports vs. Life

Competitive athletes have specific skills and drills to help them get prepared for competitions. These drills mimic body movement, time duration and physical patterns that you would face during your event. The rules to the game are already set before the competition starts. You know exactly how far to run, how high to jump and when the event will start or end. These types of events require a very specific training called “Sports Specific” training.

What about real life? Do you know when a friend will ask you to help move? Can you predict when an emergency is going to happen?Life is unpredictable. We need to be ready for the unknown and unknowable. So how do you train for unexpected? It’s called CrossFit. The movements we practice at CrossFit I-5 involve your entire body. Routine is our enemy. We test the limits of fitness with high levels of intensity. We teaching our students how to efficiently move large loads, over long distances and do so very quickly.

Are you accomplishing this with your current program?

Today’s WOD:

Run: 200 / 400 / 200 / 400 / 200 – 30 second rest between rounds


2 Snatch / 3 Cleans (135/105) – 10 Rounds

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Benefits of compression gear

We often see athletes wearing compression type apparel during sporting events. We see football and basketball players even endurance athletes wearing compression pants, sleeves or shirts during competition. Are there real benefit to these products?

Below is a list of some the benefits you can experience with wearing compression related products before and after a hard training session.

1. Better control over your body temperature - Your body temperature must be maintained at proper temperature in order to operate at peak performance. Some compression gear can help increase and maintain your body temperature when it is cold or help keep you cool when it is extremely hot.

2. Increased blood circulation – Compression gear can improve blood flow so your muscles will receive nutrients faster and removes lactic acid more efficiently. An increase in blood flow will also help improve recovery time after your workouts.

3. Increased body awareness – Compression gear operates as a second skin. Wearing these products during exercise or competition can brings improvement to your body awareness. This is an important factor when you are staying active. Proper body awareness will improve performance and minimize chance of injury.

Have you tried to workout with compression gear?

Today’s WOD:

10 minutes to establish 3 RM Push Jerk


Max rep in 1 minute – OHS (95/75) / Kettlebell Swing (50/35) / Burpess – 1 minute rest – 3 Rounds

Score total combined reps for all three rounds.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

A chance to shine…

I first saw this video on the CFLA blog. It is an amazing video. It’s the story of a kid that was given a chance to shine and took advantage of the opportunity.

Today’s WOD:

Do the Mobility WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Did you take your fish oil today?

Here is a great video of Dr. Barry Sears discussing the benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. I recommend a fish oil produced by Carlson.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

Check out the “Mobility WOD”

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Food as Fuel Class

Today we will be having our “Food as Fuel class”. I am very excited to spend some time with each of you in this class. Nutrition is the foundation to our program. The unforunate thing is most people are confused when it comes to this subject. This class will clear up a lot of the unanswered questions so you can begin your quest for peak performance. Please be prepared with any questions that you may have.

What confuses you about nutrition?

Today’s WOD:

10 Minute Muscle Up Work


60 Mountain Climbers / 30Pull Ups / 30Push Ups

800 M Run

60 Mountain Climbers / 30 Pull Ups / 30 Push Ups

400 M Run

60 Mountain Climbers / 30 Pull Ups / 30 Push Ups

200 M Run

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Who is Steve Nadal?

Steve Nadal is a one of the founding members of CrossFit I-5. His first experience with CrossFit was two and half months ago. His first attempt at the CrossFit I-5 Baseline workout was a little under 12 minutes.

Since then.. Steve has been very determined to improve. He has stayed diligent, he consistently shows up, he asks questions and is focused on perfecting the basics. He has been very teachable with an awesome attitude. Steve will not exchange improper form for a better time. Steve recently re-tested his baseline and had a 60+% increase in his performance. He finished the same workout in a little over 5 minutes. He also took the Level 1 Fitness Test and did an awesome job testing his newly learned skills.

Steve is a long time mortgage professional, father of three, part time soccer coach and a committed CrossFit I-5 athlete. Steve’s passion is in teaching and hopes to pursue a career as a University level coach. He has is currently implementing what he is learning at CrossFit I-5 into the soccer program he is currently coaching.

We are very excited to see his continued progress! Great job Steve!

Today’s WOD:

Max Rep Bench Press (Body Weight) x 3


7 – Lateral Jump Burpess / 6 Deadlifts (225/180) on the minute – 12 Minutes

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Register for “Food as Fuel”

Nutrition is the foundation of an effective health and fitness program. How well you fuel your body will determine how quickly your see the maximum results from your hard work. Nutrition effects your body composition, performance, sleep, and many other components of everyday life.

Here are some simple tips to kick start a nutrition program.

  1. Start every meal with a palm size of a lean protein.
  2. Fill your plate with at least two fist fulls of colorful vegetables
  3. Add in a 1-2 thumb size portion of good fat (avocado, almonds, olive oil, etc)
  4. Have a well balanced snack between every meal.

How was your last meal structured? What adjustments will you have to make to your next meal?

Learn more about proper nutrtion at our “Food as Fuel” class on 10/22/10.

Today’s WOD:

5 x 200 M – 30 second rest between rounds. Hold your time within 2-3 seconds


Power Clean – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Westside Barbell..

Tai spent the weekend with Louie Simmons from West Side Barbell… We are very excited to implement this training as part of our program. This is a great video explaining explosive power in combat sports.

Today’s WOD:

Max rep weighted pull up x 3


9 Thrusters (135/105) / 400 M Run / 18 GHD Sit ups / 3 Rounds for time – 1 minute rest between rounds.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

The Front Squat

The front squat is a movement where the weight (barbell, kettle bell, medicine ball, etc) is held in front of the body, across the clavicle or deltoids. This movement is very functional because whenever we carry an object, it is typically carried in the frontal plane.

Practicing the front squat will improve your mid-line stability, because your torso is required to stay erect in order to complete the lift. The front squat has positive carry over to other movements we practice in class, such as, cleans, thrusters, wall ball, back squat, vertical jump, etc.

What other movements would you like to master?

Today’s WOD:

Front Squat 5×5


400 M Run

21 / 15 / 9

Pull ups
Push Ups
3 Rounds

400 M Run

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Practice gymnastics…

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What about abs?

Here is a great video that explains “Mid-line stabilization” and the CrossFit approach to developing abs…

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

What do you fear?

Eleanor Roosevelt said “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Just hearing this quote makes me feel uncomfortable. I know from experience overcoming fears can be an awesome experience and stepping out of the comfort zone leads to good things. It allows us to be free from fear. We also learn about ourselves in the process. Get out of your comfort zone today. It will create a rewarding and memorable experience.

What is one thing that you fear doing?

Today’s WOD:

Level 1 Fitness Test

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Why Snatch?

One of the major benefit of Olympic weightlifting is the amount of muscles used in a single repetition. The Snatch, Clean and Jerk recruits the use of every muscle in the body to work together at one time. Studies have shown a consistent Olympic weightlifting program can lower resting heart rate, increase lean muscle mass, lower body fat percentages, improve sport performance and vertical jump ability.

The Snatch is a very technical skill that requires time to develop and master.

What part of the Snatch do you find the most challenging?

Today’s WOD:

Hang Snatch 5 x 3


9 Ball Slam (30/20) / 7 Supine Ring Pull / 12 Wall Ball (20/14) – 10 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Be passionate..

Your goals are now identified. What’s next? Whatever your goal is, it will require passion, commitment and focus to turn these goals into reality. So how do you know if the work you are doing is paying off? It’s pretty simple… Measure your progress over a period of time.

Hopefully you will find, measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time. We often get so caught up in our daily activities we forget to review our productivity. This applies to personal, business, family or fitness goals. A good question to ask yourself is: “Is what I am doing right now bringing me closer to my goal of ______ ?”. If the answer is yes… You are on the right track.

Good things take time. Work at improving everyday. Be passionate. Be optimistic. Be diligent. Stay motivated.

What is one goal you are working to achieve in the next 12 months?

What would you like to achieve?

What would you like to achieve? Most people have a major goal or two that they want to accomplish. For some people it maybe starting a dream business. For others it may be buying a new house. For others it maybe participating in a certain athletic event. What is holding you back from achieving your goal?

Here are 6 steps to help you get started on achieving your new goal:

Determine your present position
Decide what exactly you want to achieve
Identify potential obstacles
Create a simple game plan
Identify your team
Work on it everyday
Today’s WOD:

3-6-9-12-9-6-3 / Push Jerk (135/105) – Do 25 air squats between rounds

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elie Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Register for the October “Food as Fuel” Class.

CrossFit I-5 will be having a “Food as Fuel” class on October 22, 2010 at 5:30 – 7:00 pm.

This class is designed to give you a better understanding of how the food you eat effects your performance, body composition, sleep and metal sharpness.

We will also discuss the details and benefits of the Zone and Paleo nutrition plans and go over the best options based upon your current lifestyle and goals.

Please call the front desk to reserve your spot or if you have any questions regarding this class.

Today’s WOD:

7 Pull Ups / 9 Dumbbell Cleans (50/35)- 7 Minute AMRAP

Rest 3 Minutes then..

12 OH Lunge (95/75) / 500 M Row – 3 Rounds for time

CorssFit I – 5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A better way to run…

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day..

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitnes Mission Viejo, Ca.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Be like a wheel..

This is an awesome video. It is a simple explanation of the pose running technique. Running is a skill. It takes time to develop. Just like any other movements… Practice, Practice, Practice!!

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day..

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitnes Mission Viejo, Ca.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Dictionary.com defines the word, “Decide” as: “The act of or need for making up one’s mind”

Whatever you want in life, is available to you. It is really just a matter of making a decision you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Now let’s be clear on this… You got to do you part and be willing to for it work. I once heard that if you want to be successful, you need to be like an ant. An ant is small, but very persistent. You never see an ant sitting down or just hanging around. Ants have a purpose. They work with a mission in mind. Ants do not retreat or surrender. They surround themselves with like minded friends. If you try to stop or slow down an ant they will go around you or over you. They will always find way!

What is one fitness goal you have always wanted to achieve? Be like an ant and go to work on it.

Today’s WOD:

Push Press 5×5


3 Minute Row TT (All out effort) / 1 Minute Rest / 3 Minute Row TT (All out effort) / 1 Minute Rest / Tabata Lunge (20 sec on / 10 off lunge) 8 rounds

CrossFit I-5 academy of Elite Fitness

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pictures are worth a thousand words..

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. I am not sure where this saying comes from. The person that came up with this phrase was pretty conservative.

Pictures freeze a moment in time. In a split second, you can capture the joy, the agony, the celebration, the sadness, the laughter or the crying of a special moment.

I was recently looking at some older pictures and it’s a amazing how a few simple pictures can change your views of the present. Looking back from where you were, compared to where you are is an amazing experience. Looking at old photos will help you see your progress. Pictures can serve as milestones in your life.

I find that we are often surprised by our physical appearance in old photos. Our bodies change. Our styles change. Our surroundings change. Our lifestyles change. You can even see how are attitudes change.

Take some pictures of your daily activities… Take photos of something you enjoy today. Take a picture and record this moment in time and look back on it in the future.

Today’s WOD:

Power Clean 5 x 3


800 M Run / 75 Squat / 400 M Run / 50 Kettlebell Front Squat / 800 M Run / 75 Squat

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Growing up..

In the book, “The E-Myth”, by Michael E. Gerber, he states there 3 phases to a business’s growth: Infancy, Adolescence, and Maturity.

These phases are similar to being a student of CrossFit. When you first start, you will go through a stage of discovery. You hear new terminology and see new movements. Once you have a general understanding of CrossFit, you start to experiment with what you have learned. You try new movements and begin to challenge yourself a little more. Once you have figured out the basics and understand what works (and what doesn’t), you begin to demonstrate and teach what you have learned. This process is ongoing, because there is always something new to learn.

CrossFit is a process. Jump in and have fun learning. Do not rush the stages of growth. Growth happens by being patient and persistent. Ask questions, be fearless and visualize your end results.

Where are you in this learning process?

Today’s WOD:

15 Minute Gymnastic Work


6 Shoulder to Over Head (155/125) / 9 Knees to Elbows: On the minute – 12 Minutes … 5 Burpee penalty for each incomplete round

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who is Amy Palmiero-Winters?

She was born two pounds, six ounces. At age 8 she fell in love with running. At 18 she was in a motorcycle accident. She had 25 operation in 3 years trying to save her lower left leg. At 21 her leg was amputated. She was told she will never run again…

She is now 37 and a single mother of 2.

In competition she runs 130 miles in 24 hours. She is an inspiration. Nothing is holding her back.

Today’s WOD:

Baseline Re-Test or Deadlift 5 x 3


Ring Dip / Box Jump – 10 / 15 / 25 / 15 / 10

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Sugar addiction…

Sugar is a substance that has negatively impacting our health and wellness. The average American consumes about 3 pounds of sugar per week. To put this into perspective, in the early 1900′s the average American only consumed about 5 pounds of sugar per year.

Consuming sugar increases insulin levels and eventually leads to fat storage. Considering one out of every three Americans are suffering from obesity, the need to control our sugar intake is at an all time high.

Many believe this increase in sugar consumption can be viewed as addiction. Part of the reason for this is because the more sugar you consume, the more you crave it. Sugar as an ingredient is fun to enjoy once in awhile, over indulging can cause many health problems, both in the short term and the long term.

Take some time to read the label on the food you eat and ingredients you use. Sugar can be found in many forms and in all types of packaged and processed food.

Be wise and choose carefully what you consume. Try to keep your grocery carts along the perimeter of the grocery store and choose to minimize foods that have long shelf lives. Most foods found in the isles are full of sugar and other ingredients that are harmful to your health.

Today’s WOD:

Baseline Retest


7 HSPU / 14 KBS (50/35) / 21 Double Unders – 12 Min AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Snatch

The Snatch is the other lift in the world of Olympic Lifting. The snatch is a very big test of athleticism. The snatch requires a feat deal of strength, balance, flexibility & coordination. The snatch is a lift that moves a weight from the ground to overhead. It is very complex because the the athlete jumps underneath the bar and catches the weight in the bottom of the over head squat position. This movement takes time to develop and master.

This weekend there will be the CrossFit / USAW Weightlifting Open.

Click here to watch the event live.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca

CrossFit USAW Weightlifting Open

The clean and jerk is one of the two lifts in the world of Olympic Lifting. The clean and jerk is a very technical lift that allows a person to bring maximum weight from the ground to over head.

This weekend there will be the CrossFit / USAW Weightlifting Open.

Click here to watch the event live.

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hands on experience..

Learning is a process… I once heard a person learns 30% of information from what they hear and 50% from what they see. There is also another aspect of learning, learning from what experience. Implementation and hands on experience is a big piece to the learning puzzle.

This applies to every areas of our life. When a student graduates from college they do not know everything about their new career. At the point of graduation, the student knows just enough to get started. They will learn more as they gain experience and being involved in the new field.

This is how fitness and nutrition works. You can only gather a limited understanding through seminars, books and videos. The full learning experience comes when you begin to implement what you have seen or read about. So how do you get started?

Here are a few tips when you begin implementing a new training or nutrition plan:

  1. Be patient – G0od things take time.
  2. Ask questions – Find an expert that can guide you.
  3. Have fun - Change is difficult. Learn to laugh at yourself.
  4. Be Bold - Just go for it. Many people are timid when it comes to trying new things. Jump right in and start working for results.

Today’s WOD:

15 Min – GHD and Reverse Hyper Work


Pull Ups / Back Squat (135/105) 10/20/30 – 400 M run between rounds

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Tip of the iceberg

Only 1/8 of an iceberg can be seen above the water. The other 7/8 of it is hidden below the surface. This is where the term “Tip of the iceberg” comes from. People use this phase to they are trying express that their is a bigger picture than what you actually see on the surface.

This is very similar to CrossFit. Many people first hear about CrossFit through a friend that tells them how sore they are from doing this new workout. Once you have had a chance to try an actual CrossFit workout, you soon find out that there is a whole new world to fitness. There are so many different and fun movements to try and learn.

We teach movements and skills that take time to develop. Some of the gymnastic and Olympic lifting movements we teach takes months and even years to learn. There is a community of people around the world that is pushing the limits of fitness. People are getting stronger and faster. CrossFit is a lifestyle. It is a journey. CrossFit is the lifelong pursuit of achieving an elite level of fitness.

Where are you in your CrossFit journey?

Today’s WOD:

10 Minute Gymnastic Skill Work


250 M Row / 25 Push Ups / 400 M Run / 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull – 3 Rounds for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Play offense!!

In any game or sport there is both an offensive side and a defensive side. The objective of the offense is to score and the objective of the defense if to prevent the other team from scoring. Both sides have great value. But at the end of the day, its the offense that puts the points on the scoreboard.

This is true in sports, business, and life. There are times when you need to be reactive to what’s going on around you. Other times you have to take initiative and make things happen. Life can viewed as a sport. When the game of life is done, there will be a final score. The score will not be based on all the material things you have accumulated, but, all the points you accumulated in every area of your life. Your contribution to your community, family, and friends counts as points. You will gather points for the times you made people smile. You will score points for creating memories of laughter and joy. You will score points for making a difference in someones life. These points can even be more valuable than the size of your home, what’s in your bank account or the car you drive.

Start with your health and fitness.. Make a decision that you will have a positive impact on someone. Inspire someone to try a healthy meal or try a challenging workout.

Play offense and play to win..What is one area of you life that you should play offense on?

Today’s WOD:

Thrusters – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Then…. 175 Double Unders for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

What’s on your mind?

Research shows a person can have as many as 60,000 thoughts in one day. From the time we wake up, to the time we sleep, we are constantly thinking. We reflect on our past and envision our future. We react to situation and carry conversations. We read and we talk. We multi task. Every action requires some kind of thought.

Have you ever noticed what you are thinking? Are your thoughts positive or negative? The thoughts we think can have an impact on our end result. Our thoughts create emotions that ultimately drive our behavior.

The good news is we have control over our mind. We can control the thoughts we think and the information we put into our mind. In order to reach our fullest potential we must be disciplined and keep our thoughts under control. Take some time to evaluate what we allow into our minds and the environment we are surrounded in.

This is applies to our fitness and weight training program. How you percieve yourself has an impact on the way you perform. Next you are about to start a workout, take a quick note of the thoughts in your mind. Create a positive mental picture of the outcome you would like to receive. Hold that positive thought in your mind and begin your workout on a positive note.

Today’s WOD:

Bear Complex – Power Clean / Front Squat / Push Press / Back Squat / Push Press x 7 – 5 Rounds for Max Weight

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Be adventurous!!

Children are very curious and love adventure. They are always asking questions and looking for something new to try. This desire to discover new things is what makes being around children so fun. Children are bold, courageous and love taking on new challenges.

As we grow older, the desire to try new things is not as strong. Adults are often overcome by fear when it comes time to try something new. We over analyze things and are quick to find a reason why something will never work or is too dangerous. We blame our busy schedules, our past experiences or are influenced by what our friends or family might say.

This approach is boring… Try something fun and different. Test your limits.

What is one thing you have always wanted to try?

Today is Monday…Be adventurous!

Today’s WOD:

Bench Press 5×5


7 Ring Dips, 7 Cal Row, 7 Front Squat (135/105) – 12 Minute AMRAP

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca

Where are you going??

Our lives are full of daily rituals and habits. Most people have a daily routine from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. With such a busy schedule, we often don’t have a few minutes to look up to see if we are being efficient.

It is always helpful to have someone evaluate what you are doing and give you a second opinion. This applies to your business and personal life. This logic also applies to your fitness. It’s always a good idea to have an expert evaluate your current routine and give you some fresh ideas. This can help you become more efficient and productive?

Take some time to look at your current routine.. Are you being efficient?

What is something that you could use a second opinion on?

Today’s WOD:

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

Have a well balanced meal, do something active and take a nap

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be like water..

Bruce Lee was a martial artist that was way ahead of his time. He had a very unique philosophy when it came to martial arts. He believed that the best martial art style was to have “no style”. He believed you must stay opened minded and take the most effective movements from every martial art and develop your own style.

Many would say this is very similar to what Mixed Martial Arts is today…

This is a very unique approach to life. This is what CrossFit is all about. The goal of CrossFit is to do more work in less time. With this goal in mind the CrossFit community continues to evolve and grow. We combine gymnastics, pose running, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, kettlebells, plyometrics, dynamic stretching, rowing, and support this activity with The Zone and Paleo nutrition plan and put it all together into one program. We call this program ”The Sport of Fitness”.

Fitness and life are multidimensional. We should prepare in the same way.

Is there an area of your fitness or life that you are overlooking?

Today’s WOD:

Jackie: 1,000 M Row / 50 Thrusters (45/33#) / 30 Pull Ups


2 Min Max. Ring Dips

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness

Eat more fat?

“Eat less fat!” We hear the media say this all the time. This saying can very misleading. This saying makes people believe that ALL fat is bad. This is actually incorrect. In order to have a complete balance nutrition plan, we should be consuming 30% of our calories from “good” fat.

So what are good fats? Good fats are found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds and olives. We should avoid fats commonly found in animals and fats that solidify at room temperature (mostly found in packaged or processed food).

Eating good fats with every meal will give you a well balanced diet, which has many benefits. A good nutrition plan will give you more energy, change your body composition, move the scale to an ideal weight and improve your overall health.

Today’s WOD:

10 minute handstand work / 10 minute pistol work


95 Lb. Hang clean on the minute (Add one rep for every minute. Ex: minute 1 = 1 hang clean, minute 2 = 2 hang clean, etc.)

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It is harvest time…

This is the beginning of the fall season. Fall is the time to reap the harvest. The seeds sewn in spring are now ready to be farmed. The farmers will receive their rewards for hard work, diligence and patience.

Farming is a similar process to developing your strength and improving your fitness. We do not see the major improvements in the first few days or weeks. It takes time to improve. Improving your strength involves an ongoing cycle of weight training, body weight exercises, proper nutrition and efficient rest. When you repeat this cycle long enough, you will experience the improvements in your health and fitness.

Keep this in mind the next time you are in the gym. What you do today may not show its benefits until a little later down the road. Be patient and have fun.

Today’s WOD:


100 Pull Ups / 100 Push Ups / 100 Sit Ups / 100 Squats

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Jumping and fitness…

Jumping has many benefits when it is properly implemented into a fitness program. Jumping improves your balance, coordination, agility and body awareness. Another benefit of jumping is an increase of functional strength because of the triples extension of your ankles, knees and hip.

Children are fearless when it comes to jumping. It is a simple carry over because jumping is part of their everyday life. Sack races, hop scotch or leap frog are easy for a child to understand because of their game like environment. Somehow when we get older the idea of jumping seems awkward and uncomfortable.

Have fun with jumping, its a great way to get your blood flowing and your heart racing.

Today’s WOD:

15 Minute gymnastics work


12 Burpee Broad Jumps / 200 M Run / 12 Dumbbell Push Press – 7 Rounds for time

CrossFitI-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What if you knew you couldn’t fail?

We all go through challenging times. When we do, its really easy to get sucked into the “Depression Trap”. In these times of trial, we find out what we are made of. If you are being tested, be optimistic. This is could be your chance to re-define yourself. In order for things to change, you got to take the 1st step towards your new life. What if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Here are a couple of thoughts if you are facing adversity:

Be patient: Big challenges take time to conquer.
Be persistent: Stay on offense and make progress everyday.
Be optimistic: Celebrate every victory, big or small. Stay focused on the big picture.
Today is the start of a new week.. Get inspired and be courageous! What would you do if you had a second chance?

Today’s WOD:

Max rep 95lb Over Head Squat


Angie:50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Double Unders / Sit Ups

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thank you for your support..

We had an awesome Grand Opening Celebration.. Thank you to everyone that came to support the event. Special thanks to all of our event sponsors: Lululemon Athletica Irvine, EFX Performance, DS Sports Nutrition, SOCR Chamber, Lightning MMA and MIH Marketing. We are extremely excited to share the CrossFit program with the residents of Mission Viejo and the entire Saddleback Valley. Photos and video will be posted shortly.

Please join us for our class at Lululemon Athletica at the Irvine Spectrum. We will be having class from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. See you all there.

CrossFit I-5 Active Rest Day

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

Today is a day to celebrate…

A wise king once said, “There is a time for everything.” Take the word “everything” literally. This means there is a time to work and a time to play. There is a time to laugh and a time to cry. There is a time to exercise and a time to rest.

Today is a time to celebrate, laugh and rest.

Today is the official grand opening of our academy. CrossFit I-5 is an Academy of Elite Fitness. We offer CrossFit Training in a fun, friendly and positive learning environment. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program that utilizes functional movements, that are constantly varied and performed at high intensity. We teach our students to achieve elite levels of fitness through gymnastics, weight training and cardio endurance.

Come on down….

Time: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm

Place: CrossFit I-5 -23342 Madero Unit G. Mission Viejo, Ca.

Today’s WOD:

Come down and hang out at the CrossFit I-5 Grand Opening.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite of Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.