Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Play offense!!

In any game or sport there is both an offensive side and a defensive side. The objective of the offense is to score and the objective of the defense if to prevent the other team from scoring. Both sides have great value. But at the end of the day, its the offense that puts the points on the scoreboard.

This is true in sports, business, and life. There are times when you need to be reactive to what’s going on around you. Other times you have to take initiative and make things happen. Life can viewed as a sport. When the game of life is done, there will be a final score. The score will not be based on all the material things you have accumulated, but, all the points you accumulated in every area of your life. Your contribution to your community, family, and friends counts as points. You will gather points for the times you made people smile. You will score points for creating memories of laughter and joy. You will score points for making a difference in someones life. These points can even be more valuable than the size of your home, what’s in your bank account or the car you drive.

Start with your health and fitness.. Make a decision that you will have a positive impact on someone. Inspire someone to try a healthy meal or try a challenging workout.

Play offense and play to win..What is one area of you life that you should play offense on?

Today’s WOD:

Thrusters – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Then…. 175 Double Unders for time

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

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