Sunday, September 5, 2010

Consider a bed upgrade..

Take advantage of this 3 day weekend and use this time to get some well deserved rest. It is very tempting to go out and do something out of the ordinary. Adventure is a good thing, just never let adventure take over your body’s need to rest. The challenge with this sense of adventure is we usually come back from our long weekends, needing a long weekend to recover.

Rest is an essential part of the fitness cycle but it is also necessary to operate at 100% in any other task you are taking on. Have you have ever tried taking a test or driving in traffic with a lack of sleep? It’s pretty challenging right?

Here are 3 simple tips to consider when you are preparing to it the sack…

1) Turn off the TV and all other electronic devices. Your computer, iPhone and TV have miraculous power to keep you engaged even though your body is crying out for your pillow.
2) Check the room temperature. It becomes pretty challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep if you are not comfortable.
3) Consider a bed upgrade. If you and your spouse take turns waking each other up.. it doesn’t help either of you.

What are some other distractions that are prevent you from getting a good night of rest?

Today’s WOD:

CF I-5 Active Rest Day

Come on down to Lululemon in Irvine if you are need of a WOD. Class is at 9:00 am.

CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

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