Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How well do you give directions?

Have you ever given someone directions to complete a task and they just can’t make it happen? You try to coach that person in the best way you can, but, they just don’t seem to get it. Then someone else gives them directions and they perform with no problems. Why does this happen? Is it something you said or didn’t say? Did the other person communicate better that you did?

Chances are, it may be a little bit of both… We often communicate from a one sided perspective. Next time you are in this situation, revisit what you are saying and get creative in your communication. People filter information in different ways. Try changing your tone. Try giving a compliment, then your instructions. Try using an analogy. Try bringing in someone else to help you explain. Try painting a different mental picture. The bottom line is, try something different if you are having a problem communicating a message or accomplishing a task.

Is there something you are saying or doing that is not working? Try a different approach and re-examine your progress.

Today’s WOD:

Power Clean 5×5


9 Pull Ups, 9 Burpees, 9 GHD Sit Ups 7 Rounds for time

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CrossFit I-5 Academy of Elite Fitness Mission Viejo, Ca.

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